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Ben B's RotD

"roll of the dice…"

  Currently browsing pages with category: Life
 35 Years
May 15, 2024

I’m getting old. This is absolutely something that everybody says throughout their lives, and is a statement that’s always looked down upon by those older than them. It’s a relative statement. Relative to my own life, I’m getting old. I spent some time talking to a new intern at work who is six years younger […]

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tagged: Life


 Aurora Snorealis
May 13, 2024

Last Friday I heard at like 7PM that there would be a visible aurora borealis from Massachusetts. After driving around for roughly an hour we saw NOTHING! I’m calling bluff. If anyone can prove it otherwise, send them to me 😉

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tagged: Life


 Jumping Ship
May 7, 2024

I decided to bite the bullet already and jump ship from GitHub Pages to just running the website the good old-fashioned way, with bare PHP on a VPS. So, the server is being run alongside dozens of others, in some scary server building in New Jersey. The upside to this, is I don’t need to […]

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tagged: Life


 May the Fifth be with you
May 5, 2024

It’s May! I’m pretty shocked by how fast time seems to be moving to me. I still feel like it’s the start of the year but the summer solstice is going to be right around the corner. Last Wednesday I had a video gig at Wheaton College, filming their Jazz Band. The ensemble played a […]

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tagged: Life, LittleBigPlanet



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