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Ben B's RotD

"roll of the dice…"

April 29, 2024

I’m so sick of making “first post” posts on blogs. But here’s why I opened yet another site.

It hits me quite often that I’d like to be able to broadcast my thoughts on certain topics, but I think more importantly I feel a desire to just simply journal and reflect on things that I’m doing. Hence, a blog. I’ve started and closed more than I can count within my life, and I think I’m going to start a regimen to actually maintain one for once.

I’m calling this one “Roll of the Dice.” My naming conventions for most things technology are the result of looking around my immediate space and singling out an object and sticking to it. In this case, the D20 sitting on top of my monitor. I opened this install of WordPress under the codename “dice” and the more I thought about it I thought it sounded pretty good to call the whole thing Roll of the Dice. My content and attitude are pretty varied and I feel it fits me quite well to say that opening up a weblog of mine is a bit of a roll of the dice. Could also stand for Realm of the Dead (posts) if I stop using the blog inevitably someday.

I have been on a kick of trying to obtain everything I do for free if possible and legal, and this site is no different. I’m currently hosting it for free using GitHub Pages and a local install of WordPress as a CMS paired with Simply Static to generate the actual site contents. I’m gonna be honest, it sucks! Hard! I don’t like it, I have to execute several different functions (write the post, publish the post, generate the static site, commit to git, push to git) which makes the entire process really irritating when I want to just write and send off something. So I’m looking at other options. I would really like to just run the server from home, but hosting a website locally like that is risky business. I miss having a VPS, but I also don’t miss the monthly bill required to keep afloat a blog that’s primarily for myself.

I have a lot of time at work where not much is happening, so I look to fill that time with writing some articles on a website and reflecting on my life as it goes by. I’ve really really wanted to do this for years and have failed every single time so, here’s to hoping this one works out. I’ll be making it a goal to post once or twice a week, depending on what’s happening and how much free time I have.

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